The new Junior Cycle represents a new approach to teaching, learning, assessment and reporting and centres around 8 principles, 8 key skills and 24 statements of learning. The focus goes beyond the assessment of knowledge and facts and allows students to develop a wide range of skills and abilities including creativity, collaboration and the application of knowledge in a variety of different settings.
In St Mary’s College, we are committed to ensuring that each student is encouraged and challenged to realise their full potential and to aspire to excellence in all aspects of their lives.
The new Junior Cycle places a significant emphasis on student wellbeing and seeks to develop the skills and resources to enable the student to provide and take responsibility for their own wellbeing throughout their lives.
The assessment of student progress will take place through a blend of Classroom Based Assessments and Terminal Examinations across the Junior Cycle.
Upon completion of the Junior Cycle, students will receive a Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement which acknowledges their achievements across a range of assessments while also acknowledging student achievements across other aspects of school life [Other Areas of Learning] including extra and co-curricular activities, involvement in school pastoral and outreach programmes.
Junior Cycle Principles
Junior Cycle Key Skills
Junior Cycle Statements of Learning
Framework for Junior Cycle

Core Examination Subjects
(studied by all students)
- Irish [unless eligible for DES Irish Exemption under the terms of CL 53/2019]
- English
- Mathematics
- History
- Geography
- Religious Education
- Science
Optional Examination Subjects
Each student selects three subjects after a period of sampling in First Year
- French
- German
- Home Economics
- Art
- Music
- Business
Wellbeing Programme
(followed by all students)
- Social, Personal and Health Education [SPHE]
- Civic, Social and Political Education [CSPE]
- Physical Education
- Digital Literacy
- Choir